Friday 11 May 2012

Visit Benidorm participates at a Workshop organised by tour operator Versa in Russia

Visit Benidorm Tourist Board will participate in a professional workshop this weekend, organised by Versa a Russian Tour operator, that includes Benidorm in its brochure of holiday packages for the first time this summer, with a direct charter flight from St. Petersburg to Alicante starting on June 1st.
The event will be celebrated in a hotel on the Gulf of Finland Coast 45 kms from St. Petersburg.

The purpose of this weekend event is to present the Spanish product to more than 200 travel agencies invited from St. Petersburg and other northern regions of the country.

Benidorm will particpate with a  presentation that includes a video of Benidorm in Russian and a talk about the resort. This will be  combined with workshops of one to one meetings with the travel agencies. The event has a combination of daily working activities, in which the agencies are going to learn about the destination and leisure nightlife activities including a Spanish party in which assistants will have to wear red clothes and a Russian Ball with traditional Russian dances and costumes. It will all contribute to create an unforgettable environment in which to present our product to potential customers.
